What our customers say
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"Fradeco GmbH has an extremely friendly and helpful staff who have extensive know-how in various subject areas. The professionalism and versatility of their staff have made a valuable contribution to our company and make Fradeco GmbH a good choice for all payroll tasks"
"We are delighted with Fradeco's services. The people we spoke to were available, knowledgeable about German law and efficient in their support for our payroll management."
"In a short space of time, Fradeco has become our competent and reliable partner, responding individually to our wishes and concerns, reacting at lightning speed and handling even the most difficult issues immediately to our complete satisfaction.
The entire team is very friendly and always professional.
We feel that we are in very good hands with this firm and can only recommend this tax consultancy to anyone."
"Our colleagues at Fradeco have been an enormous help to us since the company was founded. As a young GmbH, we had to build up structures and, in our case, be compatible with the parent company. The enormous expertise, both in the German and French context, mixed with goal-oriented pragmatism is absolutely valuable. Working with Fradeco feels like working with colleagues from our own company. Always professionals, always helpful and in a good mood - that's also part of it."
"Fradeco has been our partner for several years. Agile and competent, the team supports our growth by adapting continuously. The Franco-German component facilitates coordination and creates considerable time savings."
"We are satisfied with the quality of service offered by Fradeco, which stands out for its level of expertise, the quality of their work, and their responsiveness."
"We appreciate your friendly, direct but always professional way of working, which combines the positive characteristics of both countries."